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About the Author

Raised in the Church of England before his baptism at the age of twenty-eight into The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Charles Lawson has spent twenty-three out of his twenty-four years in the Church serving with teens and young adults. His dismay at the vast number of relatively young members who simply “grew up and grew out” of the Church led him to explore the reasons why they were leaving. He soon recognised that to really understand these reasons he must immerse himself in a faith crisis of his own to get to the heart of the issues. From this position, Charles draws upon his wider Christian understanding to provide thought-provoking yet faith-affirming concepts that are designed to resonate with sincere seekers of truth, especially those who may feel somewhat distanced from God. Charles graduated with a History degree from York University, Toronto, before a career in finance. He and his wife, Michelle, have six children and live in Herefordshire, England. He is an active member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

About: About

As author of the Millennial Shot

What am I doing?

  • I provide faith promoting concepts and context that strives to assist those with doubts when confronted with LDS faith challenging material. 

  • I am encouraging all readers to feel empowered by a personal relationship with God while recognising the Church plays a supporting role in that relationship.

  • I promote the divine authenticity of our LDS gospel while viewing our past through a lens of accepting our “all too human” history.

What am I not doing?

  • I am not claiming to have all the answers.

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